Tuesday, February 10, 2009

1st day in our new apt.

Today our home on Wudong lu (road name) or as the cabbies say, "Wu dong luahh" was officially moved into. No more lugging heavy suitcases from place to place, no more exhausting visits from apartment to apartment, trying to get the little Chinese we know to make sense and the little English they know to be informative enough, no more worries that the police will not accept where we have been living, etc. etc etc. We now have a home, near the school campus, neighboring the friends we have made so far, in walking distance from the hot spot, KTV. haha.

While Levy took care of school business today, John, Tboy (Babatunde) and i trekked to Warr Marr superstore (that would be Walmart but tell a taxi driver that and they are clueless) to buy supplies. Now we have our own toilet with toilet paper, no more peeing in squat pots, at least not in our own home. We now have our own pillows and blankets, no more wondering if the sheets were washed well before us. We now have towels that are soft. YAY!

Tomorrow a message awaits our tired shoulders and worn feet. Tomorrow, more documents will be handed over for our rental, in hopes that when the landlord arrives on Saturday he will accord to our terms, fix what is broken (or at least the biggies) and allow us to stay. Tomorrow the police will officially know where to find us. Tomorrow, maybe I'll buy a used bike and join the wild ride of traffic here, one of the few places rules do not seem to matter. Although our guardian angel John says, the only rule when riding a bike is the elementary rule that you must go the correct direction as the flow of traffic, i have noticed that doesn't always apply either. Tomorrow i may relax and settle in! Tomorrow WarrMarr will see us again. Tomorrow there is more to smile about.

The children are rosy cheeked in the cold weather, bundled like fuzzy balls with big grins. the old men sip tea and smoke cigarettes. Well, everyone smokes cigarettes regardless of no smoking signs and everyone sips tea, not bottles of water. The rules of the road are, get there however you can and try not to have to brake and honk honk honk. Lines don't mean a thing. The beds are hard as bricks and the rooms are not heated. But boy the food is great and everyone knows, that's what's most important to me anyways. =D

Soon the job search begins. i have an interview on Friday.

Until next time....


  1. Hooray!! Rosey cheeks are where it's at! i still vote no work for roro

  2. lovely gal! what an adevnture and such a delight to read about it. i had no idea... i look forward to checking back and reading more of your unfolding adventure.

  3. this is your old friend abisnail and i am proud of you for adventuring and i'm glad to hear you had a panic attack: that is how you know you are human. your frailty is beautiful. i'll check in occasionally so you will know not to get too lonely. and since you are unemployed you can read about me at skinnytree.berkeleyblogs.com
    i like you.

  4. What great photos. I LOL at walmart. Can't wait to read more. What exactly are you eating? Can we have some photos of the food too?
