Friday, February 13, 2009


Happy Valentine's day!!!!
Today I arose with a smile. Refreshed from a full night's sleep and cleansed from a full body massage. Life here is becoming more fluid. The fear that originally captured me has dissipated, the nerves that restricted me are few now. This all reassures me that I will quickly fall into a comfort zone. I knew I had it in me, where was it when I needed this confidence, this strength of character? Oh well, here it is again. In my lapse of faith that things would work out, I was held up by my Levy, just one of the many reasons we are so madly in love, so compatible, so powerful together. We hold each other when we are falling down. My partner in crime is 26 today. We are so lucky to embrace our love on the same very day we get to celebrate his life. The one day of the year, we get to thank his mother and father for creating such a blessing to this world coinciding with a day devoted to lovers. YAY!

Our morning music choice, Andre 3000, Happy Valentine's Day. When Levy and I first started dating, I gave him this CD and we played this song for him over and over in Mo's truck. It brings back fond memories of a fresh relationship and strong friendships. Levy makes me laugh today with his imitations of our friends' dance moves. He's so good at it. I am lucky, this is reminder so many of us forget to tell ourselves.

The last two days we have been involved with Levy's UC Education Abroad Program activities. It's been nice getting to know some of the students involved in his program. One particular student has been here already 6 months and has been burned by his property manger, left practically penniless and homeless but he figured things out and now he's fine. He is a great resource for us. Most of the students are Chinese or Taiwanese American's though. Not only do they have abilities with the language they also have a familiarity with the culture. This is to our advantage, when we move in groups we have native speakers with us.

Yesterday, we went on a city tour. We took a large tour bus to downtown Shanghai (about 30 minutes away). WOW! What a city, it is very modern, bustling with people, beautiful architecture, tall buildings, sophisticated styles. We visited various museums, a strange tourist restaurant serving Western style Chinese food, with wait staff dressed in Thai clothing, a boat cruise down the Bund and a tour of the magestic Yu Yuan gardens. The Yu gardens are some of the most famous in China. Because it is the end of the new year here, there were the most spectacular lantern displays. Aww-inspiring scenes were constructed. All made into lanterns. Chinese woman flying through the clouds, water lilies, lots of cows (cartoon cows are big here, haven't found out why yet). I look forward to returning to the gardens in Spring when everything is in bloom.

Shanghai is known for it's sweets apparently and there are a lot of sugar coated this and thats. One I enjoyed was a shishkabob of caramelized kiwi's, strawberries, Chinese apples, pineapple, etc. Another favorite of mine are the Portuguese egg tarts.

After returning from the city Levy and I met up with John who took us to his favorite massage parlor and it isn't the kind that gives "happy endings". John informed us those are on the other side of campus and foreign students are often not welcome because they have been known to be troublesome. When Levy took off his shirt, John exclaimed "Wow, Leby (as he calls him), you are rearrry strong!". It was so damn cute I wish i had it on video! L and I laid side by side while a little Chinese girl and boy gave one of the strongest massages I have ever received. Boy was that needed. Now we just to need to sort our how we can afford one of those every month! Oh I forgot to mention, we got bikes, used bikes with baskets on the front and bells. We are assimilating faster than expected.

Next update, I'll be sure to tell you about our first Shanghainese birthday party experience. John and I are on a secret mission to get birthday cakes (it's john's roommates birthday too).
Zaijian! (bye)


  1. Hi You Two,
    We love hearing about your experiences! Glad ur feeling more calm and confident. Getting much needed rain here, but the sun just shined through for a bit. Off to the dogpark while it's shining.

  2. hey girl!

    hang in there! I know how it feels to be uprooted from your comfort zone and dropped off in a foriegn place that you had never imagined. It takes time but you will realize you wouldnt rather be anywhere else in the world~

    Miss you guys! stay safe!!!

    *take tons of pictures because what you see on a day to day basis is more than a lot of people will see in their lifetime~

