Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today is mine, I'm 29! There is another EAP (Univ. of Cali's Education Abroad Program) student whose birthday it is as well so I believe we will all celebrate together, dinner and our first Chinese club outing. Nothing new for me I have been sharing my birthday celebrations for as long as I can remember, my sister's b-day being one week away from mine and many friends being spring conceived babies. The more to celebrate the merrier!

Levy's birthday party was a blast, we had a lot of people over and as usual, everyone loved it because we had an eclectic group. The EAP students tend to click together but we have made friends outside their group as well, Korean students, Chinese students, study abroad students from different programs. Word is even some of the Korean and Chinese students' friends can't wait to meet us and come to our next party. Not to toot my own horn or anything but it feels good to know Levy and I can make friends wherever we go, very reassuring that our character development is headed in the right direction.
Tboy really wanted a picture with all the Cali kids but as you can see in the pic i doubt many of his friends will believe these are not Chinese students and instead Cali kids. Everyone stayed until about 10pm and then all of a sudden they all left at once except a few of our better friends. We danced while we cleaned and enjoyed a few more minutes together and the night ended joyfully.

Since then, school has begun for the roomies. I have been going to job interview after job interview, applying like crazy online and searching for teaching ideas for my tutorees while trying to complete my TEFL certification course online. Although the original plan was to allow me to relax and get to know the area for a few weeks, I as usual am anxious to have things settled. Not to mention Levy got an email about his grants being reduced which makes earning money a little more urgent. I am faithful that things will work out and am assured that if they do not, I have options, places to stay back in the states while I figure out a job, etc. In the meantime I must continue to search for a teaching position and remain hopeful that things will work out for the best so that I may enjoy the experience of a foreign culture and life with my honey. I have a feeling this won't be the last time I will be doing such a thing so i better learn to weather the storm.

Any teaching ideas for very young learners are welcome! I had my first lesson with the Korean family last night. They live in a very nice apartment with heated floors and a maid to help out. Heated floors are great around here since it's so darn cold and the buildings are all cement, not much insulation to keep your warm. My mom has mentioned that the weather is almost on par with Sonoma county which is hard for me to believe since I don't remember ever living in this cold of weather before (other than Oregon of course). However, the cracks in the corners of my thumbs, the stinging cuts and hard peeling skin on my fingers reminds me that yes, this happened to me every winter as a child growing up. I guess I've been living in So Cal for so long I forgot how cold Norcal can get. I don't miss that at all! Anyhoo, the family is lovely. The older (8)is very good with his english, eager to learn and interested in everything. He is very friendly and a joy to teach. The younger one is more difficult, short attention span, short temper and obviously a little pressured by the fact that his brother is a fast learner. But he is a little lover, taking opportunities to sit in my lap and make me laugh whenever possible. The mother who I have named Ann (graceful) is also an eager learner and very welcoming. She has asked Levy and I to their house for dinner so that we may all get to know each other better. We share a common interest, Africa. She mentioned that while most Koreans express a desire to visit America, she would like to visit Africa. She is also from a family of sisters (3 girls in total). I look forward to our future lessons together!

It is time now for me to make my way out of the house since the rain has ceased. I'm off for a bike ride (which is always an adventure in itself on these wild streets) to a fruit market.
Lots of hugs to all, Lolo

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